Want To Make More Money From Your Blog or Site With Kontera?
This is a great way for you to make additional cash through your already existing blog or website. So now you can get paid without having to do anything except install the simply code or plug-in when you sign up for free with Kontera here.
How Does It Work?
It’s simple. Kontera is a contextual linking service. It will highlight the keywords within your blog with a double underline and when a mouse hovers over it a relevant ad shows up…This ad if clicked on pays you! The more clicks the more you earn!
I always say its better to have as many options put in place to make money as possible because you never know until you do something, what will make you the most money.
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
We are all ignorant, so don’t feel bad. Except after this video you will be stupid if you don’t put what I say into action. Mistakes are a natural part of learning, you just want to avoid the same mistakes!!! That is so important!! Don’t make the same mistakes all the time. lol
Build Your List
I am like a record on repeat…but your list is your asset! If you’re not properly optimizing your site to have your form show, offer the correct ethical reward and testing it, then you’re crazy!!
Spamming Social Media
As always, be careful how you approach social media. It is a strategy not a free-for-all free promotion tool. Although you will build a following you need to be smart about it. The only place I want to here about it, is because I have “Like” or “Followed” your business specific page.
Crappy Sales Messages
There is such a thing as “Over Selling” I have seen it with the best companies. People are saavy, treat them with respect. If you pump out affiliate promotions week after week, people will know and you won’t get high open rates and will have to find more and more new customers. You would also rather careful with what you promote 1 bad product can seriously damage your list and result in a massive amount of unsubscribers or even a bad reputation. So you want to give, give, give and then promote. Rinse and Repeat. Better yet, find out how often they want to hear from you regarding promos! Now go to your 3 different areas I just mentioned and see what you can tweak and make better.
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
LinkedIn has over 100,000,000 members who, on average, earn over $100,000 per year.
Its the highest income social media network around with that many users.
It’s also a very professional network.
They don’t allow affiliate advertising (there is a secret way around this)
Cost Per Click is $2 minimum, can’t be lowered
How You Will Profit With LinkedIn Advertising Today
It’s simple really, start advertising! lol. Seriously, with those stats above it doesn’t take Einstein to figure out you have a highly cash rich market who may have expendable cash to give you in your market. It’s worthwhile check out today.
Examples Of Markets You Can Hit
Business Owners
CEO, Executives etc
Government Workers
And so many more!
Can you think of ways to match your product to any of the above? Then it’s worth your whilse investigating here on LinkedIn Advertising.
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
Freak I’m Good, Just Ask Me! They don’t really care about YOU or Your Business!
Your customers are ONLY interested in Whats In It For Me! Start tuning into your customers and what they want.
Key To Your Profits
They real key to you exponentially growing your income online is tuning into your customers most pressing concerns and problems and creating solutions in the way of products to help them. This is also referred to as Niche Marketing. Selecting profitable niches, of course, is then the real trick in all of this as not all markets, and certainly not all products, are created equal.
Guess or Test?
I always say Amateurs Guess and Professionals Test. Meaning you must first find out what problems your customers are experiencing via surveys, research, other popular products that are selling and then find a way for you to reach them. You can create your own product or sell one as an affiliate. But in both cases you are going to need to shine a big ass spot light on the problem they are facing and how you can solve it. You will also need to test your product, test your traffic sources, your pricing etc.
The First Place To Finding Customers
1. Surveys
2. Market Research (Forester.com)
3. Ask People In Your Market or At Events
4. Other Best Sellers In Market
3 Ways To Finding Profitable Markets
1. Best Sellers on Amazon or E-Bay
2. Sell Affiliate Products Yourself & Then Create Your Own Similar Product Just Better
3. Over 100,000 Combined Keyword Search Terms (Use Google Keyword Tool)
Now, all you need to do is DO one of them and go an put some advertising or blog power behind it! Good luck!
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
What you don’t want to do is to post content about your business and blog or sales messages on your own profile. You want to have separate Fan Pages. The reason is you want your market on your fan page because then they really want to hear from you!! Your profile is for your friends and family.
What’s The Strategy To Facebook Success?
I have found the best thing to do is to create a Facebook Fan Page for your business and then setup Facebook Advertisements to promote more Likes on your Fan Page. You can even create a e-mail web form on your Fan Page so you can build your list this way too!
~Create your fan page now and set up your ads!~
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
This is what goes through your customers head. Common sense dictates that the more cool stuff you offer the more people will grow to like you and eventually buy from you.
Don’t Be Scared To Sell – Just Time It!
Selling is great, we all deserve to make profit. Just time your sales messages strategically, there is no need to post a sale everyday to your wall. A sure fire way for people to “unlike, defriend and ignore” you. If anything we want to engage our customers and get them chatting about us. This is the end goal. For example with Twitter every 100 tweets you can make a sales offer, not every 10.
It Takes Time!
Unless you’re Starbucks it will take time for you to grow your business, even they had to! Your Fan Pages, Twitter, LinkedIn etc will take time to build. You want to attract your market, so just be as consistent as you can be. Just remember to be engaging, humerous, controversial where needed and give great content.
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
YouTube users upload the equivalent of 240,000 full length films each week
Over 3,000,000,000 (3 BILLION) Videos are viewed everyday
320,000,000 are from mobile devices
Justin Bieber has over 1,571,213 dislikes on 4 videos hahaha
Youtube is Monetizing over 3 Billion Videos per week!
A Serious Secret Of Big Company Money
You need to think really seriously about getting on this band wagon. You can actually upload your own videos and have them show at the very top of search results for videos. THINK about how powerful that can be for your business. Especially since so many people are not even doing it!!!
What Do You Need To Do?
1. Simply go to YouTube and setup your account.
2. Upload your videos
3. “Promote” Your video
4. Select your keywords
4. Make sure your links are going to either build your list or to an affiliate promotion.
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
For some strange reason the Earn Money Online market is a haven for crappy products, internet scams and over-valued courses. I guess its just the nature of the apparent simplicity of being able to type a few words on your computer and turn it into some sort of cash machine. Or at least that idea. In the real world Online is the same as Offline despite the obvious differences. What I mean is, in the offline world a traditional business sells products at a market fair price in which people or the market set. If its the wrong price it won’t sell.
Products Must Deliver Value
“Under promise and over deliver”…or better yet, “give more than what people expect” they are forking over their hard earned cash which in turn creates a wonderful lifestyle for you. If your product helps people earn a return on their money or learn a skill then that product is fair, it should also be comprised of pricing options, bonuses, refund periods longer than 30 days and excellent customer service options. Obviously this is not a post about price points or offers, rather it’s about the more you charge the better the results and skills people learn. Its quite basic. DELIVER ON WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL.
It ALWAYS Catches Up With You
Regardless of your beliefs about life there is one law we are all accountable for that is as real as gravity. Cause and Effect. Also known as Karmic law, sowing and reaping, get back what you put out etc…This is as true in physics as it is in natural law. If you put out bad, you will get it back. If you put good out, you will get it back. So if you use products that are going to spam, black hat SEO, or rob people of their money you can be rest assured it will come back to you. It has to. It’s a law. This is why there is so much focus on delivering value and content to your customers, because its in harmony with real success.
How To Spot The Scams
If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. I am an optimist and tend to see the good in everything. Although many years in business has also helped me learn, often the hard way, that there is a lot of truth to this. You are not going to earn $1,000,000 in your first month online, or even $20,000. There are exceptions to this OF COURSE, but do you want to put your life on an exception? I don’t think so, I think you want to build a sustainable, profitable long term residual income? The other thing to be aware of is that most products that are cheap and state how you will make massive profits the next day or week and validate it with screen shots of their profits is a key sign of bullshit. Remember these people are SELLING their own products, meaning making profit from SALES not always the function of their product. The other thing is they have been in business for years and been through the seminars, paid the money to learn and already KNOW how to use Paid Advertising, which at a minimum is what you need to generate immediate results. Just THINK about it, its not all auto-pilot, however it appears and if it is, it still violates natural law – you cannot get something without nothing and that is not a business you can live off.
What Ever You Sell or Create Give Value & Be Transparent!
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
SEO is Search Engine Optimization. Simply stated it is the way you make your blog or website found by the search engines, indexed and then the most relevant search results show up in Google, Yahoo, etc. You and I use “Keywords” to find things. Anything you type into a search engine is a keyword. Some keywords have higher search results than others and can be more difficult to get your page seen in the results. So, its a wise idea to understand and implement SEO so everything you do is built correctly and your site ends up becoming number 1 in google for your keyword search term!
Google Keyword Tool will show you how many times your Keyword or search term is actually searched for per month. Some keywords are searched millions of times per month and some less than 10. The difference in traffic between the two is HUGE. So figure out 5-7 keywords that are competitive and will deliver lots of traffic to you.
Then incorporate those keywords into our blog or site as many times as possible, so it makes sense.
Your description is also important because you want keywords in it, but also a call to action! So people actually come to your site when it pops up in the results and they don’t keep searching.
A secret SEO tip. Name your Image with your keyword. When you’ve uploaded make sure the Alternate Text, or Mouse Over text areas include your keywords and call to action.
Links are a whole session in itself. But in its simplest forms the strongest way to get ranked and indexed in search engines quickly is to have MANY high quality links pointing to your website. These are called Authority Sites. For example a .Gov website linking to yours is higher quality than a .Biz blog. Google recognize this and it basically sees your site as very important. One reason is because .Gov sites can’t be purchased by normal businesses or people. If you had the NewYorkTimes.com linking to your site this would also have the same effect. So there are sites that have a better quality of link to your site. But the easiest way to build links is in forums and other blogs.
Now you can use these and go and focus on building quality links to your site.
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.
Because we all get way too much junk mail and e-mails. Period. Now aside from the 10% of people who may actually want to be on your e-mail list for your newsletter/insights that is not really the type of statistic you really want to bank on. Even then those people will result in lower sales because you’re not understanding the fundamentals of internet sales. Content Is King!
The Million $$$ Difference.
By you offering bonuses from the outset, its like shouting a friend or potential girlfriend on the first date to a 5 star dinner. You are setting the scene for what you’re all about.
Content, class, giver, not a tight ass. lol
You also make more profit because your paid advertising efforts are lowered from more people getting on your list and increasing your bottom line sales…Why? Because like the date, you start off GIVING content and people trust you more straight up! It’s basic human behaviour, so you start off on the best foot.
What Can I Do Right Now?
You can start by figuring out an “ethial reward” not bribe. Bribes are not what you want to say or act from. Create killer offers that people can’t say no to! I had a client who offered 8 BONUSES just go get on his list! These ranged from e-books to audios – it converted like crazy. People couldn’t say no, obviously some people did, but I can promise you he had MORE people on his list than a “subscribe to my newsletter offer”…Can you see the difference?
So now you need to figure out or create content and put it in a clear way that people want to be on your list.
To Your Success,
Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online. There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently. This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.