Tag Archives: internet scam

Avoid Internet Scams – Earn Money Online

Buyer Beware!

For some strange reason the Earn Money Online market is a haven for crappy products, internet scams and over-valued courses. I guess its just the nature of the apparent simplicity of being able to type a few words on your computer and turn it into some sort of cash machine. Or at least that idea. In the real world Online is the same as Offline despite the obvious differences. What I mean is, in the offline world a traditional business sells products at a market fair price in which people or the market set. If its the wrong price it won’t sell.

Products Must Deliver Value

“Under promise and over deliver”…or better yet, “give more than what people expect” they are forking over their hard earned cash which in turn creates a wonderful lifestyle for you. If your product helps people earn a return on their money or learn a skill then that product is fair, it should also be comprised of pricing options, bonuses, refund periods longer than 30 days and excellent customer service options. Obviously this is not a post about price points or offers, rather it’s about the more you charge the  better the results and skills people learn. Its quite basic. DELIVER ON WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL.

It ALWAYS Catches Up With You

Regardless of your beliefs about life there is one law we are all accountable for that is as real as gravity. Cause and Effect. Also known as Karmic law, sowing and reaping, get back what you put out etc…This is as true in physics as it is in natural law. If you put out bad, you will get it back. If you put good out, you will get it back. So if you use products that are going to spam, black hat SEO, or rob people of their money you can be rest assured it will come back to you. It has to. It’s a law. This is why there is so much focus on delivering value and content to your customers, because its in harmony with real success.

How To Spot The Scams

If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. I am an optimist and tend to see the good in everything. Although many years in business has also helped me learn, often the hard way, that there is a lot of truth to this. You are not going to earn $1,000,000 in your first month online, or even $20,000. There are exceptions to this OF COURSE, but do you want to put your life on an exception? I don’t think so, I think you want to build a sustainable, profitable long term residual income? The other thing to be aware of is that most products that are cheap and state how you will make massive profits the next day or week and validate it with screen shots of their profits is a key sign of bullshit. Remember these people are SELLING their own products, meaning making profit from SALES not always the function of their product. The other thing is they have been in business for years and been through the seminars, paid the money to learn and already KNOW how to use Paid Advertising, which at a minimum is what you need to generate immediate results. Just THINK about it, its not all auto-pilot, however it appears and if it is, it still violates natural law – you cannot get something without nothing and that is not a business you can live off.

What Ever You Sell or Create Give Value & Be Transparent!

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net
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