Tag Archives: make money from home online

How To Fire Your Boss Thanks To Earning Money Online

Want To Fire Your BOSS??!!

Most people are unhappy, sick and broke. They work for people they don’t like to work for doing a job they hate. By the way J.O.B stands for Just Over Broke. If that isn’t ever true! I have been in this position before and it sucks. Perhaps you have as well?

There Is A Way Out

BUT You’ve got to be willing to put a few hours aside every day for the next 2-5 years. Seriously. You thought I was going to say you could do this in a week and everything is different? Well, its unlikely. Why? Because your conditioned to do exactly what you’re doing now. If you’re broke its because that is what your conditioned to be, if you’re rich is the same thing. So chances are you’re unhappy with your results and want more…but thats OK because I want more and so should you.

Easiest Way To Start From Stuck?

Just do something different! Take your passion or interest and write a short book about it. Open up your Word document and start typing. Break down something you’re interested in, into chapters and make a book about it, try sell it on Ebay. Or sign up at Amazon as an affiliate and start writing a blog and occasionally review a product within your market with your affiliate link and get a referral fee or commission. The more popular your blog becomes the more money you will make.

It Won’t Happen By Accident

You may be raised to believe money doesn’t grow on…you probably just finished that sentence for me! But it proves my point on money conditioning. You are seriously going to have to make it happen and go through the ups and downs, trial and errors perhaps even…oh my god..SPEND MONEY to learn HOW TO EARN MONEY! Gee, but I wanted it all for free. Let me tell you something. The quickest way to learn is from people who know how to teach it.  I believe its called Investing, and you don’t invest to make money you invest to SEE if you can make money. There are no promises in anything, and if you’ve been told otherwise its a lie. The only thing you can go on is you’re determination and online business strategy.


The WORST thing you can do, is to quit your job BEFORE you’ve actually set yourself up. This is where most people fail and then say “oh it doesn’t work”…Nonsense..YOU didn’t work. If I can do it, you sure as heck can! You have to be smart, build your new income stream alongside your current job. Here is quick outline:

1. Have your essential needs taken care of (rent, food, basic bills)

2. Sacrifice your luxuries (new technology, eating out/buying food, movies, trips etc)

3. Put in your TIME. After hours. (Get up 1 hour earlier, stay up 1 hour later)

If you don’t do this, what will happen is you will put yourself or worse, your family at risk. Actually when you’re in a position of worry, doubt or fear you will not be able to be creative and will stifle your energy, thus not being able to make an money. And be in a negative position. Your friends and family who think you were crazy to begin with, will say “i told you so.” Be smart, start building yourself out of your job instead of firing your boss before you’ve actually got the sufficient income.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit http://www.HowToEarnMoneyOnlineBlog.net
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